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To (try to) walk these off, I head to Washington Park, a vast, city centre forest criss-crossed by hiking and biking trails overshadowed by huge pine and fir trees. Flavours include Viscous Hibiscus and the Ring Of Fire (chocolate and chilli) but I try the stomach-defeating Bacon Maple Bar, a rich, maple cream-glazed concoction topped with two rashers of bacon. There’s a queue around the block and you can even get married here. I try their signature, the unusual Blueberry Bourbon Basil, before heading to rival Voodoo Doughnut, whose decor screams ‘Goth Barbie’s living room’, thanks to its neon-pink signage and prints of skulls and coffins.

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There’s a reason why Portland is known as the City of Roses (Picture: Alamy Stock Photo)

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